14 November 2013

terms to be successful trading

A. Emotional Stability .You do not have to be mad to trade , but it helps ! It was a joke , of course . It takes emotional stability under pressure . A successful trader must be able to remain calm in difficult situations . Traders with a very high ranking on a scale of emotional stability have very low levels of anxiety , calm , relaxed , and have a low level of suspicion . They tend to believe in themselves and are not paranoid . You will not hear them blaming traders to force the direction of prices in accordance with their wishes and they are responsible for their actions .B. Discipline .Successful trader is one who can follow the rules . They are the ones who are driving under the speed limit . They tend to be a perfectionist and take pride in their work . They want to take a project from start to finish and get the joy of completing the project successfully . Pilots , trained to follow the check list , and tend to be trading well . An individual -oriented impulses , will have difficulty reaching the discipline to be a successful trader .C. Intelligence .Successful traders tend to be intelligent . They do not need to have an IQ of Einstein , but they are above average in intelligence . They tend to be good problem solvers and familiar with numbers , such as statistics . They understand that trading is based on probabilities , that not every trade will work as planned .

Tips to Avoiding Risk Trading Losses In Trading

In any business it business or investment risk whose name can not be avoided . But the risk can be minimized or reduced if businesses keen in analyzing the market . Here I have 3 trading tips which are generally very often discussed but also often overlooked by traders .

First Trading Tips = Analyze market trends and ikutin Movement
A trader must be able to analyze market trends and movements . Sometimes a trader too sure that predictions must be true then he opened position . The prices are not moving according to his analysis , but he remains convinced that he was right and the market is wrong . Market analysis remains opposed to the trader and he began anxiously , hoping a miracle will happen . However , miracles do not happen and he finally had to bite the finger because of a margin call .

To minimize the risks of trading , as traders we should not be any in the open position especially when we have not analyzed the market and do not know the direction of the trend . Market analysis first and then follow the trend movement of open positions . Follow the trend and never against it .

Trading Tips for - 2 = Using TP and Sl
Novice traders usually really do not like to use these 2 things are taking profit and stop loss . One of the fatal mistakes of traders who suffered losses are not using TP and SL well . At the time left until the loss regardless of amount , not daring / candid to cut loss . However, at a profit , the heart began to calm and do not want to close the current position with immediate profit .

If using TP and SL with discipline , undoubtedly frustrated the traders will not trade him , otherwise the trader can grin at the sight of profit earned .

Trading Tips for - 3 = Discipline , patience , and do not be Greedy
3 things are very important in the world of trading ie Discipline , Patience , and Do not be Greedy .
These three things are very important in the world of trading is discipline , patience , and not greedy .
- Discipline in the open position
Discipline in the open position , specify at what time in any open position . not recommended
when the market is sideways .

- Discipline in determining TP and SL
Discipline in determining TP and SL . At the time of the open position , the trader must know in advance how many points to be gained and lost . Determine TP and SL according to your money management and never change the TP and SL are already installed .

- Discipline in Money Management
Discipline in Money Management . Traders must be disciplined in determining the amount of points that traded in a day . Suppose that every day the target is obtained with 30 points . If the first day is the profit or loss of 30 points , please close the laptop / computer and do not do the open position again . Do the open position on the next day .

A trader must be patient in taking the right moment to open a position . If you are sure to please open position . However, if you have not convinced you should never open position . Patient in waiting for the right moment and never in a hurry . Better to wait for the right moment but with conviction , rather than a rush but not sure .

Do not be Greedy
A trader should never be greedy if you want to get maximum results . Many cases occur when the greedy traders that had been turned into a contrary profit loss . Determine the target will be obtained and if the target is already filled positions do not open it again for the day .

5W +1 H in FOREX

before heading to the point we have to know what is forex .

1 . What

FOREX lot of definitions but can be summarized simply as " the market in which the players ( Who) currency exchange transactions with connected electronics" .

2 . Why

There are several main reasons why FOREX become a prevalent trend and attracted the attention of many investors or the general good . Compared to other instruments such as stock options atu ( option ) , the level of liquidity ( daily turnover ) is much higher forex setradar which reached USD 5 trilion ( $ 5,000,000,000,000 ) per day . This is particularly important where the high level it will be very possible liquidation of the transactions at any time . In other words , if a trader wants to sell it is almost certain there will always be a buy .

Traders only be spread or commission only when a trader opens a position only. Traders do not charge anything while closing the position .

3 . When

Hammpir FOREX market is open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week (Monday - Friday ) . The market will begin on Monday 8:00 AM Australia / New Zealand ( setrader Monday at 04.00 am GMT) to Friday at 17.00 pm eastern U.S. time zone ( setrader Saturday at 04.00 am GMT)

4 . Who

At least two groups of actors or players / actors from the forex market . The first group is the institution , which are generally the big emain government agencies ( government ) and big banks .

The second group is a forex broker who managed the retail trader and liaison with institutions of the player above

5 . Where

For the large pemai is especially banks , then forex trading is done through the Electronic Banking System ( EBS ) . In short , EBS is an electronic network that connects the big bank with big bank .

6 . how

For simplicity's sake, to keep in mind as the retail forex trader is to be done through the Internet by running the trading software or platform that is determined by the broker .

4 Crucial Formulas trading Forek In Risk Management

    In the world of any business whether offline or online business , most things to be kept in mind is

   1 . Risk Management
a. Drawdown ( depreciation of capital )
b . Maximum Drawdown ( maximum depreciation of capital )
c . Reward to Risk Ratio ( ratio of selisi profit or loss with the risk ato )
2 . Profit Management
Compounding capital ( without dicompound impossible to be successful in forex )
3 . passive Income

After the success of our business and generate profit is more than enough , then diversify profit that we get to have another Bisnis2 . for example, we deposited or we traded stock or other reputable perusahaan2 that can generate passive income , then we do not need to work for money , but the money work for us .

But that is often overlooked is the business risk Managemen ... and who always had in mind was solely profit or profit ... and finally obtained it is a loss for losses and ultimately went bankrupt kolep alias .

since our business is the business of forex , which in forex is weve true " return hight hight risk " and "low risk low return " , but this is how we can outsmart our business in order to become " hight risk low return " , because I sister2 sure agan2 and respectable , certainly before entering into the world of forex success thinking , rich in a lot of money . nha to achieve that I would share the knowledge of my own ... although I myself have not been successful in the forex business world , here there are 4 formula I would share ... 4 formula is

1 . MM formula and Compoud
2 . Determinants formula OP
3 . Determinants formula SL TP
4 . Drawdown formula

30 Pips Definitely

Best wishes and greetings success for us all, before I beg permission to om mod and mimid because I will open a new tread with title 30 pips / day for all Pair definitely there in forex .. hehehehe (really extreme) this strategy gax need using indicators banyak2 headache and enliven your eyes, because quite simply one indicator of its default MT4 indi .. fuck it let's guess ...? hny form a line .. let's fuck,,?? hehe yups bener banget adl indicator line TL (Trend Line) .. and before we discuss together this strategy once again I beg KPD mimid om mod or if there is a common character with another tread or tread is useful gax monggo deleted it ... Similarly, while the opening of my pictures would prepare sy wait for response from members of this forum .. tread into success for us all.

Best hours for trading and know the trend

    taukah your best hours to trade  ?
or you just go straight into the market regardless of the trading hours ?
I will discuss a little the best hours for trading in order to profit immediately and not wait sideway you can

taukah you we always win in trend and always lose in sideway ?
so will steer clear his name sideway.salah ktia only trading when approaching the fishing news.karena NEWS trend is so how

1 . we open forefactory.com
because we play gbp / usd ama euro / usd for example we see schedule
because if we go in after hours trading the news we will be stuck sideways and it makes the trader loss

GBP news here starting at 2 pm ( gmt +8 ) .. meaning if you play the above hours will be stuck sideways .. so you start standby on laptop at 1.30pm immediately open chart GBP to siap2 .. all are associated with such GBP GBP / USD , GBP / JPY GBP / NZD will move

so the morning time you spent with your family without constantly staring at the laptop too sad your family your friends and co -workers .. because according to the book " SKILL WITH PEOPLE " that makes people fail is that she failed to establish good relations with the lain.jadi perbanyaklah juga.jangan your friends watched constantly ... so mainlah laptop when approaching hour news ... more afdol the game and the health of your eyes staring at the laptop continues uninterrupted ...

20 April 2013

the World From Global Warming

There is one way that businesses can help save the world from global warming today. The answer - legacy modernization.

How does modernizing your business system help in lessening the global warming problem?

Come to think of it, legacy systems and global warming or climate change are entirely different things. However, there are a few factors that can connect the two. Obsolete or legacy systems are often source of a lot of maintenance work and expenses for the company. And the fact that several legacy systems run on hardware that require a lot of electricity to cool it, or can only function under special environmental conditions, or may require physical access by users to operate, may indeed cost the business more in the long run. Legacy modernization can help in this aspect by providing applications that are compatible with modern hardware that are not only environment-friendly but also electricity-saving, and can be operated in a normal business environment and accessible through the internet or online channels.

So is it high time to modernize your legacy applications and start integrating them into modern hardware?

Several business industries today are presented with an important question, as newer business applications and technologies are emerging: Is it a good time to purchase more innovative business software? Or just overhauling the legacy tool or business and financial software tools enough to satisfy the need for more up-to-date systems?

Acquiring a complete business technology, especially the newer systems, may be the preferred option by many business entities. As several flexible project systems are being presented today, theres a good chance for a person to certainly meet individuals or corporations that are discovering newer alternatives to business and financial technology that can improve the operations of his or her business. Though, this can not always be the very good option for long term business activities.
Provided that the business entity has existed for quite awhile, there's a good chance that there are database systems already existing for various clients, products and suppliers, including financial data for the business. The idea of modernization will definitely be questioned, and is to be expected, considering that the compatibility and integration of the old database listings with the new system may raise some eyebrows.

Would your files be able to perform properly in the new system? And can the modern system be agile enough for another modernization or system conversion in the near future?

Surely these are inquiries that tech or IT managers or business supervisors face at a given time in their operations. Though business entities established recently that already possess the newer business and financial software may still feel the brunt from such inquiries, as to its degree of adaptability to more modern technology will continue to be an issue. Desktop computers are already "dubbed" as old just after 3-4 years time, and so that happens more also with software, pushing IT supervisors to focus on the issue of modernization all the more.

As business needs are changing, the more potent alternative is for corporations or business entities to take steps to overhaul their project systems. Crucial data like business and financial software' cash flow or listings of procedures integral to the operation of the business application are usually archived in legacy system. The benefits of legacy modernization can also be seen in the coherence of several business and financial data and adaptability to newer systems, and it can greatly aid in offering an choice for business and financial software managers to save, given that employers need not have a re-training for the newer software.

Legacy applications for financial and business projects stay as risk elements in the global business arena, given their inability to properly "interconnect" with the existing business and financial technology systems on web servers. The World Wide Web has introduced data-sharing tools that many legacy applications may not easily become compatible with, and thus lessening the impact of the modern technology in adding value to the business.

The choice to upgrade (adding to) legacy applications may not fit the requirements, and is not a feasible approach, given that the coding language is no longer supported by a majority of design and programming professionals. Plus, the task can take a lot of time to accomplish, and may just prove unnecessary later on.

If you pick to get the newer business application without modernizing your old systems, it may take awhile to record or type all your previous data or documents from the beginning. But if you choose to develop legacy software, you can easily make adjustments and employees won't have to undergo re-training without altering or re-writing the existing financial and business information into the new systems.

Financial Software Forex Trading

Financial Software Forex Trading
Are you looking for a forex trading tool but finding difficult to pick the best one for you? Well, there are so much a lot of people who find it quite difficult to choose the current software. The number one explanation for presently is it takes a lot of time to inspection in shape to get the ultimate one for you. Financial Software Forex Trading
If you consideration that it is not necessary to go for it, when that happens you are wrong. You should constantly keep in mind too you have to get the application if you in fact would like to be on the look for earning in the market. So, let us experience a happy article on the now software. Simple method to make profit The main reason why people go for forex trading software is that it is the simplest process for making profit when it comes to investing in shares and stocks. Financial Software Forex Trading
But the difficulty lies in the fact that there are lots of forex trading software that are found in the market due to which it becomes a big problem in choosing the best one. But if you are able to make a good research, you would be able to get one for you. You should be able to distinguish from the different software available in the market and always keep open your mind so that you do not fall prey to the wrong software. Financial Software Forex Trading
When you go for this software, you would find that there are automatic softwares available for you which run 24 hours a day as well as 7 days a week. What's more, the automatic forex software never sleeps and carries on conducting trades at any time, whether be it a day or night. It helps to buy at a lower price and then sell it at a higher price even when you are asleep. Financial Software Forex Trading
Another feature of this software is that it is self adapting where it updates itself and finds the best one for you. There are software where it uses automated online exchange information and helps in making the trade quick without taking much of your time. Very affordable Now when it comes to the price of forex trading software, there is some misconception that is held by many novice traders who think that they have to burn a hole in their pocket to get one for them. But in reality, it is quite affordable and it makes the process of currency tradin g very efficient as well. Financial Software Forex Trading
It helps in eliminating human errors and also other problems that are associated with it. So, it is very inexpensive and you can always get one for you without any second thought. When it comes to speed, it is very fast and the transaction takes just a fraction of time. Stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW and get your Life Changing Financial Software Forex Trading Program. It'll change your Life Forever!

Benefits of Forex Trading Software

Forex Trade Software
Forex trading software has a number of benefits. It can automate multi of the common tasks the current you will would like to perform when investing. Using this type of a program will allow its user to look at trends and statistical analysis so that users can produce bigger decisions. Forex Trade Software
It additionally allows you to trade online directly and overall, simplifies the investing process. If you choose to invest on your own, the process can get pretty redundant and sometimes confusing, especially for someone who is just starting out. Forex trading software will make the process much easier and streamlined. Simply log into your computer, execute trades, look at the past transaction history and get advice. Forex Trade Software
This can prove to be extremely helpful and may give you the little extra something that you need to make bigger profits. The ability to look at trends, your personal history and perform statistical analysis allows you to take a much more educated and deliberate approach to investing. In this way, its investor will be able to do much more then simply making guesses. Forex Trade Software
Instead, with the tools in hand, it will help you reap more profits and have greater success. Your personal information and that of the market will be presented in a well formatted and easy to read manner. This will allow you to know exactly where your investment portfolio stands, when and if there are any profits and how the market is performing. Forex Trade Software
Forex trading software will also allow you to trade directly online. In many cases, you will be able to do just about everything needed in order to get your trading career started and on track. Overall, the biggest advantage of this type of applications is that it simplifies the entire process. Most of the analytical tools that are built into the program will give its user the greatest chance of being successful in making profitable trades. Forex Trade Software
Of course, this will require that one picks the right product. The wrong one will have absolutely no benefit and may cause you to lose money. Stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW and get your Life Changing Forex Trade Software Program. It'll change your Life Forever!

18 April 2013

Don't forget to perform Antivirus updates

Antivirus plays an important role to keep your computer protected from all types of security threats. Nowadays, we depend a lot on computer and Internet to manage banking, exchanging business documents and to keep in touch with our near and dear ones. Therefore, an antivirus is essential to prevent our computer from unauthorized access and other malicious activities. Mere installation of a branded antivirus does not protect your computer completely. Regular antivirus updates are needed in order to protect the computer from real time security threats.

There are various companies available in the market, which produce powerful antivirus programs. Most of these companies offer various types of antivirus software. Each antivirus is designed for different purposes. After selecting the suitable antivirus, you can easily download and install it to your computer. Normally, the first antivirus update is automatically carried out soon after installing the product. After t he antivirus installation, your computer is protected from viruses and threats. Since, new viruses and other infections emerge every day, you need to keep your antivirus program up-to-date to have the best protection.
By performing antivirus updates, you can download new patches to fix various issues and download new virus definitions to make your antivirus program stronger against new threats. Many antivirus companies are developing new technologies and releasing new products with additional features and powerful scan engines. Many of these companies provide free upgrades to the latest version if you have an existing valid subscription. To perform antivirus upgrades, sometimes you may have to uninstall the previous version of the antivirus program and then proceed with the installation of the new program. All antivirus programs come with an antivirus un-installer, which makes the un-installation, a simpler process. You can access the 'Add/remove programs' in 'Control Panel', select the anti-virus you are using and click on 'Remove'. Clear on-screen instructions are provided, which you just need to read and proceed accordingly. Before uninstalling the antivirus, make sure that the ne w or upgraded antivirus is ready to get installed. Welcome time for viruses to your computer begins the moment, you remove the antivirus program.

Different ways to update antivirus software installed on your computer are mentioned here:

Automatic Updates: Virus definitions and product updates are automatically downloaded
Manual Updates: Downloading virus definition from manufactures website and installing it manually.

Any failure in the regular Antivirus Updates process can make your computer less protected. Your antivirus can fail to detect the latest virus attacks and thereby your computer may become a victim of a new threat. So, keep your antivirus up-to-date and perform antivirus upgrades whenever your antivirus vendor releases the latest antivirus products. If you are experiencing any issues while updating or upgrading the antivirus products, then you can get support from your antivirus vendor or other third party tech support tea ms.

Remove Personal Antivirus Effectively

Did you suddenly receive security alert from Personal Antivirus on day and you have no idea why Personal Antivirus is in your computer and gave you alert. Most users when facing this situation will scan their computer with their antivirus program, but most antivirus programs will neither detect no virus in the computer and or pick up Personal Antivirus as malicious, while the computer really malfunctions. Are you going to believe Personal Antivirus and use it to clean up system? You should learn about the application first.
Brief introduction to Personal Antivirus
Personal Antivirus is the latest rogue software. Bear in mind that programs that install themselves in your computer without your permission are all rogue ones. Personal Antivirus invades your system by making use of virus or backdoor without bothering your antivirus program. Security programs that did not detect Personal Antivirus when it entered the system will probably fail to remove Personal Antivirus.
What problems Personal Antivirus will bring to your PC?
Warnings messages may pop up that look like genuine security warnings.
Personal Antivirus creates a hidden window which can be used to run other programs without your knowledge
Internet Settings would be changed and thus networking may be blocked by Personal Antivirus
Your computer would take a long time to startup and run extremely slow..
You should remove Personal Antivirus immediate by following methods.
1. Manual method (not guaranteed)
Open Task Manager - highlight processes that take up large system resource and high CPU - locate those processes in your system and then remove those related Personal Antivirus files - clean up windows registry.
Notes: manual Personal Antivirus removal way is not recommended as it is not guaranteed to remove the rogue software completely. Moreover, users without basic computer knowledge are easy to make serious mistakes when trying to remove Personal Antivirus manually.
2. Remove Personal Antivirus with an antivirus program (recommended)
It is always highly recommended to use your antivirus program when you have virus problems. No matter your security program could or could not detect Personal Antivirus, you should try the following steps to scan your system again.
1. Enter Safe Mode with Networking
2. Update your security program to the latest version. (f the updates failed, you should give up removing Personal Antivirus by your antivirus program.)
3. Open task manager to end suspicious processes
4. Remove temporary files
5. Scan your computer for Personal Antivirus
Did your security program fail to detect Personal Antivirus even in Safe Mode with Networking? Is your security program blocked by Personal Antivirus? Do not worry. We have the best solution for you. A specialized spyware removal program, called PC Safe Doctor, is able to remove Personal Antivirus and various rogue programs completely. Start a free online scan immediately and see how many virus there are in your computer.

Options In One Easy-To-Use Location

One of the fastest ways to have the software you need delivered to your desktop is through a software download from an online website. Softwarepicks.net is a site that contains a comprehensive listing of every kind of downloadable software available online. You can choose from business applications, games, online publishing software, file conversion software, educational software, and many other types of computer programs to help you achieve your goals. The site contains freeware, shareware,or low-priced downloads to match any computer user's budget.
What is Everyone Else Downloading?
Softpicks.net is more than just an online download warehouse. The site offers some interactive features to help you find the best software from their large collection. On the front page of the site there is a column that lists the top 25 most popular downloads at the moment. These downloads are ranked purely by popularity, so you will find options that range from website coding software to silly games. Usually the popular choices list is a good way to see the top performing software from several different categories at once. You can feel more confident with these options because there are so many people who are downloading them.
Informed Suggestions
If you'd rather base your software download choice on some more concrete advice, there is a category list right next to the popular downloads that shows the 25 recommended downloads. These files have been selected specifically for their ease of use and quality of design. There are usually downloads from many different genres listed, and you can be sure that each recommended download will perform its advertised function well. Softpicks.net does the research so that you can find the best of the downloads quickly and easily on the front page of the site.
Software Advice Forums
Another way to choose your software download with a little more information is to browse the several blogs that are listed at softpicks.net. The blogs are written by people who understand the software and can tell you exactly what you can expect from your download. The blogs are quick ways to keep fully up-to-date with many of the subjects that can help you make informed software downloading decisions. There are links to blogs for entertainment, technology, and software listed in the left-hand column on each page of the Softpicks website. A quick click will give you tons of information in one easy-to-find location.
Opportunities for Developers
Softpicks.net collects many of its downloads through user submissions. If you're a software developer who has some interesting projects to share, you could increase the number of people who download your software immensely by submitting it directly to the website. You'll need to register with the site before you make any submissions, but once you are registered you will have the opportunity to submit any type of software you think you would like to share. You can submit freeware that will be distributed at no charge to the customer, shareware with your own built in protections, or software that has to be purchased before it's downloaded.

The Benefits of Software Download

A lot of software types are accessible for download. Shareware, freeware and open-source software have long been obtainable online, and even business-related software takes benefit of this means of delivery for the sake of expediency.
Numerous programs that are offered for download are shareware. This means you download it without charge and use it for a restricted time, characteristically two weeks to a month. As soon as the period is done, you are required to purchase the software to keep it. However prior to paying, you get hold of the chance to be sure that the software works on your computer and that you are secure with it.
Shareware is frequently has a lesser amount than business-related software. And other software you can download are freeware, as the word implies, you can get them for free. "You get what you pay for," doesn't apply here as the old motto is saying. Many free of charge and inexpensive applications are in fact very functional and well-made
When you go to a software download site, you are restricted by what the shop has in store. They are almost always limited to the amount of space they have for their site thus giving you a limited option for software download. However while downloading online; you can browse through other software download websites. This lets you select from a collection of other software that you find suitable for your personal and business needs. The choices therefore are as wide as the whole World Wide Web can offer.
Upon downloading software, you are saving yourself time and money because instead of driving to the software store and purchase item, you are getting it directly into your pc. You do not need to have extra storage in your house to keep the software box because it is already stored right in your computer system. Numerous individuals discover this is a handy means to procure software.
A number of software that is offered at no cost is open-source software. The code in an open-source software can always be altered which you can rewrite according to how you find it fitting for your business or personal use. This can be a violation to your download agreement if you find it more beneficial to tailor fit the software without compromising its functionality then you can always modify it according to your purpose.
It is important also to be careful when you download anything from any software download site because these sites are often peppered with advertisements which sometime cause confusion when you download. Before you click on the download link, you have to make sure that the icon you are clicking is the one you are intending to acquire. It is best that you go to a software download site which is free from advertisements if you can still find one today.

28 March 2013

AUDUSD Rising Wedge Formation

The AUDUSD has rallied after hitting multi-week lows and formed a rising wedge formation as visible in this H4 chart. The bearish chart pattern has been strong and not been violated. We expect this currency pair to correct down to its ascending support level and potentially initiate a breakdown into its ascending 50 DMAwith the next support level being at its 200 DMA.
MACD has confirmed the bearish chart pattern and formed a negative divergenceRSI has confirmed the bearish chart formation as well with a negative divergence of its own while it trade in and out of extremeoverbought territory. A breakdown from overbought territory should accelerate the sell-off.
We recommend a short position at 1.0465 which will be an addition to our existing short position we took on March 5th at 1.0225. Our existing long position we took on January 24th at 1.0491 will act as a hedgeto our two short positions.
Traders who wish to exit this trade at a loss are advised to place their stop loss level at 1.0500. We will not set a stop loss level for this trade and execute it as recommended. Place your take profit level at 1.0330forex.com

The NZDUSD has rallied over the past few trading sessions and formed a bullish price channel as visible in this H1 chart. Price action has run into its ascending resistance level and the most recent candlestick has formed a spinning top at resistance. We believe this currency pair will correct down to its ascending support level.
MACD has not confirmed the bullish chart patterns and formed a negative divergence. We may witness a bearish centerline crossover over the next few trading days. RSI has formed a very narrow negative divergence and currently trades in overbought territory. A breakdown below overbought conditions should fuel the correction.
We recommend a short position at 0.8380 with a potential second entry level at 0.8450. We also advise trader who wish to hedge to place a buy stop order at 0.8430. Traders who wish to exit this trade at a loss are advice to place their stop loss level at 0.8430. We do not utilize stop loss orders and will execute this trade as recommended. Place your take profit level at 0.8340.

EURUSD Bearish Price Channel

The EURUSD has been correcting in a well-established bearish price channel as visible in this H4 chart. The bearish chart pattern has been very strong and not violated while price action is currently centered on its descending support level. The last six candlesticks suggest this currency pair is attempting to form a bottom at 2013 lows from where we expect it to move higher and keep the chart pattern intact.
MACD has confirmed the bearish chart pattern which points to potential future weakness. The rally which will be initiated due to short covering may be limited to its descending 50 DMA. RSI has reached overbought territory and a breakout from current conditions should initiate the counter-trend rally.
We recommend a long position at 1.2760 with a potential second entry level at 1.2660. We also advise traders to place a stop sell order at 1.2700.
Traders who wish to exit this trade at a loss are advised to place their stop loss level at 1.2700. We will not use a stop loss order for this trade and execute it as recommended. Place your take profit level at 1.2810.
Here is why we think the EURUSD forex pair will move higher

17 March 2013

Spy Software Review: Best Spy Software Download

A Quick Descripton
Spy software is basically an app that you install on a cell phone that allows you to monitor a phone's activities. Depending on the spy software download you select are the features you get. In this spy software review we at Spy Software Download Site looked at three catagories.
features Ease of use Cost
What Our Spy Software Review Found
It used to be that getting your hands on a spy software download site that would allow you to download an app to monitor a phones activities was reserved for the rich or an agency identified by 3 letters such as CIA. Now that technology has moved forward things have changed. You can get do a spy software download for anywhere from 100's of dollars to around 30 dollars.
The first step in our spy software review was to eliminate all candidates that cost more than 100 dollars and this reduced the field of potential software downloads in half. We also, during the spy software review, eliminated all spy software downloads that had a reoccuring fee. Why pay through the nose for features you will never use.
Last we eliminated spy software downloads that were detecable to a tech savey phone user. Our spy software review sought only those apps that were comnpletely invisible to the user of the phone.
Our Spy Software Review Looked At The Laws
The last step in our spy software review was to make sure that the spy software download was legal and that it instructed the users of the spy software on how to legally use their product. You are not permitted to install and use spy software on cell phones that you do not own.
Our Spy Software Review Pick
One spy software app stood out above the rest and that was Spybubble. It was Spy Software Download Site's top selection because the price at the time of our review was $59 with no reoccuring fees. It was completely invisible and undetectable for the user of the phone.
Here are some of the positve features that helped us select it as our winner.
Insallation was very quick and easy The Spy Software was completely undetectable It tracked the physical location of the phone It kept a record of all calls made from the phone It kept track of when the phone calls were made It tracked the number of the phone's that were called It tracked the names of the people called if they were in the phones contacts You could listen in on the phone when a call was bing made
Here Are The Draw Backs
You must own the phone you install the spy software on You cannot monitor the phone directly from your cell phone unless you have access to the internet on your phone. The spy software is not free it cost around $59
All in all we at Spy Software Download Site agree that fo anyone who is seriously considering purchasing soy software to monitor a phone they own, whether it is you kid's, spouse's or employees, you should check out Spybubble.

Free Software Download

Today, in all fields we apply computer technology. Nowadays computers are used in almost all industries. That is why computer users are increased from day to day. For students, computers take the place of typewriters in writing their reports or term papers.For office workers, they find that computers automate the manual processes.
In computer, different processes can be coordinated by programs. These programs which are created for proper computer functioning can be downloaded from internet. Very first off, we have to understand two types of software download. These are shareware and freeware software.
a) Shareware software
These are the programs which can be downloaded free for trial. This trial version has only a limited number of functions. For utilizing the program with full functional capacity, you must buy it.
b) Freeware software
These are the programs which can be downloaded for free. So person doesn't need to pay in order to download and use. Free computer software is now a popular trend. But it is a backdoor for the malicious applications to enter into the PC. So believe only in trusted free software download sites.
Open source software is also known as freeware. This is because open-source software for use with other people and the public was made to be shared. Code was used to make the program a person often involves a time after downloading an open source software for the program could be improved. There are many types of open source software programs. There is an open source text (which works like Word), among others, an open source photo editor and editor.
To download any kind of software click free software download.

Clearing Major Doubts About Free Software Download

There is hardly anyone who has not been tempted at least once by a great free software download offer. How the experience turns out varies from person to person. Some may end up with useful software. Some others however may have opened the door to viruses that can cause some serious damage.
The world of free software download is far from simple. Precaution is the keyword you need to keep in mind before you download stuff. The PC or the laptop is a key component of our lives today. It is no longer a device used strictly for work. Ranging from music to games, the computer help you unwind. However it is imperative that you have sufficient knowledge before you download software from the Internet.
Here Are The Answers To Some Questions That May Pop Up In Your Mind.
Why Do People Opt For Free Software Download?
The answer is just too obvious; it is because they are free! The cost of maintaining a computer or a laptop is quite high. Printer ink, paper, hardware maintenance, external storage device can cost you a lot.
In this scenario the offer of downloading some great software from the Internet is too tempting. Software can enhance the features of your system.
Is There A Risk Involved In Software Download?
Yes there is a huge risk involved but only if you download from a non-reliable website. There are a huge number of malicious viruses, spywares waiting to attack your computer. Your system can crash without a warning. However there is no reason to be alarmed if you download from a reputed website.
Most reputed websites have a free software download catalog and software in most cases is accompanied by user reviews. The user reviews will list the experience of users who have already downloaded the software. The website itself may recommend some software. They may also publish their own review based on expert opinion.
What Do The Terms Shareware And Freeware Indicate? Is There Any Particular Difference?
Freeware refers to the software that you can download and use for free. While shareware download is a limited term offer. Websites that offer shareware actually allow you to download and use the program for free for a limited period of time.

Zune Software Download - Get more from Your Gadget

If you've a Zune, you will like playing tune on it, but maybe you need a bit more, like a Zune software download. Of course , you need to get the maximum out of your latest Zune. The excellent news is that it is pretty straightforward to discover a excellence Zune software download out there nowadays.

When you decide that you want to get a Zune software download, you may find that there are numerous different software options to make a choice from. You'll be shocked at how many different types of software you can find for your new Zune player. With the right software, you can do even more with your Zune.

Of course, before you decide to do a Zune software download, there is something to remember. You may find that there could be free sites that offer you the ability to download this program free. This is not a great option to consider.

You see, some of these sites that offer you a free Zune software download are all about making an attempt t o nick personal info and making an attempt to destroy your Zune player. There are many of these sites that really will put viruses on your Zune when you try to do a simply download. Not only will a number of these sites put viruses on the Zune, but they can do this to your computer as well. 
When you're looking for good Zune software download options, you'll find that there are so many out there. Some will permit you to view videos, some let you rip CDs and create new playlists. There are even software options that will let you edit the tracks you have.

This is just a look at the basic Zune software download options out there. There are more more sophisticated software options out there that you can go with too. Just do a little bit of searching and you'll be surprised at all the software out there for the Zune player.

Some of the Zune software download options are manufactured by folk who are executives, such as folks from Microsoft, the maker of the Zune. You may find other software options that are made by a third party. It could be a good idea to be careful when you're not downloading from executives. You want to make sure it is actually a good program, not a virus.

You can find diverse places online to find a Zune softw are download. This is a good way to enhance your latest Zune. Just make sure you get a quality Zune software download from a pro and from a feature site so you can continue to enjoy your player without any issues.
Before you 
buy zune software download online,
make sure to check Stephen Nepsteins excellent articles at his
zune reviews blog

PsP Software Downloads - Software Sites Review

PsP handhelds is one of most fun ways to play games, watch movies and listen to music. PsP software downloads are just some things that you can do to improve your psp. PsP software downloads are fun and easy.
There are many places on the net were one can find psp software downloads. Some sites have you pay per download and sometimes charge up to a couple dollars for each download. Other sites require a membership and a monthly fee were user share files. This method sometimes can be frustrating when you are in the middle of a download and the user signs off before the download is complete.
I prefer to use sites that have a onetime membership for psp music, psp movie, psp games and psp software downloads. The best sites have their databases jammed pack with over a million songs, movies, games, and software available for downloading. Some of these sites have no limit to the amount of downloads you do per day.
There are some sites were the database does not have quality psp movies, psp music and psp software downloads and they might be very slow to download. I have placed a link at the top of this site for a one that has quality psp music downloads, psp movies, psp games and psp software downloads. You may want to check it out.
Once you have downloaded some psp music, psp movies and games you can take them anywhere you go. This is great when you have places to go or have long travel times to get somewhere. It really helps to pass the time away, while your having fun either listening to psp music or watching a psp movie or just playing a new game. There are so many games available you should never run out of games to play music to listen to and movies to watch.
Make sure that what ever site you choose either comes with a money back guarantee in case your not satisfied with their database of music songs games and software. I have been using the above site for over three months and never had the need to ask for my money back. I now have so many psp software downloads, psp movies, music and games downloaded that I often find it hard to decide which game to play, song to listen to, or movie to watch. If you're wise and make the right choice you will be having fun all day long with your psp.
So far the best site I have tried is PsP Blender. I have put a link at the top of my site so you can check it out. Come back and visit my site. I will be posting some reviews on software sites.

13 March 2013

GBU/USD at night

Pair : GBP/USD

Indikator : Relative Strenght Index (RSI) periode 10
Timescale : 1H
Default TP : 10 point
Default SL : 30 point
Margin : Terserah baiknya jangan lebih dari 2% Modal.

Waktu trading biasanya pada sesi pasar amerika (malam hari) Fokus pada RSI level 25 dan 75
Tunggu price hingga melewati level 75 atau 25, biarkan saja harga terus melewati garis  tersebut .

Saat price kembali menyentuh level 75


Saat price kembali menyentuh level 25


perhatikan rangenya, Perhatikan jika ada data High Yang dirilis. Jika Range sudah Jauh. Maka Sistem ini efektif.

Kurs Euro Kembali Melemah

Kurs Euro akhirnya melemah  versus Dollar AS seiring solidnya data penjualan ritelmendorong optimisme tentang ekonomi AS. Laporan Departemen Perdagangan AS menunjukkan penjualan ritel bulan Februari melonjak 1,1%, yang merupakan kenaikan bulanan terbesar sejak September silam.
Disisi lain Euro juga tertekan oleh hasil lelang obligasi Italia yang lebih lemah dari lelang sebelumnya, sehingga mendorong yield beranjak lebih tinggi di tengah ketidakpastian politik negara.

' Faktanya bahwa pemerintah Italia harus membayar sedikit lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada lelang sebelumnya, dan itu mengecewakan. Keraguan atas hutang Italia telah mendorong imbal hasil yang lebih tinggi, dan itu turut membebani Euro juga ', kata Neil Jones, kepala penjualan hedge fund forex pada Mizuho Corporate Bank.

Sementara Menteri keuangan Jerman, Wolfgang Schaeuble, mengatakan bahwa Cyprus tidak memiliki masalah likuiditas yang parah.

' Bahkan pemerintah Cyprus sendiri telah mengutarakan tidak ada masalah likuiditas dalam beberapa bulan mendatang. Namun, Cyprus memang memiliki ukuran perbankan yang terlalu besar jika dibandingkan dengan perekonomian Cyprus sendiri. Kita harus memikirkan solusi atas besarnya masalah yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh sektor perbankan Cyprus '.  Demikian Ungkap Wolfgang Schaeuble
Di lain pihak, nara sumber Reuters melaporkan bahwa KTT Uni Eropa  yang akan berlangsung 14-15 Maret mendatang tidak akan mengagendakan Cyprus secara khusus dalam pertemuan.

Hukum Saham ,Trading Forex, Trading Index Dalam Islam

Hukum Saham Dalam Islam - Mengenai trading forex, trading saham, dan trading index, Sebagian umat Islam ada yang meragukan kehalalan praktik perdagangan berjangka seperti ini. Bagaimana menurut padangan para pakar Islam? Apa pendapat para ulama mengenai hal ini? Apakah Hukum Forex Trading Valas Halal Menurut Hukum Islam?

Menurut Fatwa DSN MUI, NO: 40/DSN-MUI/X/2003, Saham Syariah adalah bukti kepemilikan atas suatu perusahaan yang 

memenuhi kriteria berikut :

1. Jenis usaha, produk barang, jasa yang diberikan dan akad serta cara pengelolaan perusahaan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang menerbitkan Efek Syariah tidak boleh bertentangan dengan Prinsip-prinsip Syariah.
2. Jenis kegiatan usaha yang bertentangan dengan Prinsip-prinsip Syariah sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 angka 1 di atas, antara lain:
a. perjudian dan permainan yang tergolong judi atau perdagangan yang dilarang;
b. lembaga keuangan konvensional (ribawi), termasuk perbankan dan asuransi konvensional;
c. produsen, distributor, serta pedagang makanan dan minuman yang haram; dan
d. produsen, distributor, dan/atau penyedia barang-barang ataupun jasa yang merusak moral dan bersifat mudarat.
e. melakukan investasi pada Emiten (perusahaan) yang pada saat transaksi tingkat (nisbah) hutang perusahaan kepada lembaga keuangan ribawi lebih dominan dari modalnya;
3. Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang bermaksud menerbitkan Efek Syariah wajib untuk menandatangani dan memenuhi ketentuan akad yang sesuai dengan syariah atas Efek Syariah yang dikeluarkan.
4. Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang menerbitkan Efek Syariah wajib menjamin bahwa kegiatan usahanya memenuhi Prinsip-prinsip Syariah dan memiliki Shariah Compliance Officer.
5. Dalam hal Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang menerbitkan Efek Syariah sewaktu-waktu tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas, maka Efek yang diterbitkan dengan sendirinya sudah bukan sebagai Efek Syariah.

Transaksi yang dilarang:
Pelaksanaan transaksi harus dilakukan menurut prinsip kehati-hatian serta tidak diperbolehkan melakukan spekulasi dan manipulasi yang di dalamnya mengandung unsur dharar, gharar, riba, maisir, risywah, maksiat dan kezhaliman, meliputi:

a. Najsy, yaitu melakukan penawaran palsu;
b. Bai’ al-ma’dum, yaitu melakukan penjualan atas barang (Efek Syariah) yang belum dimiliki (short selling);
c. Insider trading, yaitu memakai informasi orang dalam untuk memperoleh keuntungan atas transaksi yang dilarang;
d. Menimbulkan informasi yang menyesatkan;
e. Margin trading, yaitu melakukan transaksi atas Efek Syariah dengan fasilitas pinjaman berbasis bunga atas kewajiban penyelesaian pembelian Efek Syariah tersebut; dan
g. Ihtikar (penimbunan), yaitu melakukan pembelian atau dan pengumpulan suatu Efek Syariah untuk menyebabkan perubahan harga Efek Syariah, dengan tujuan mempengaruhi Pihak lain;
h. Dan transaksi-transaksi lain yang mengandung unsur-unsur diatas.

Lebih lanjut lagi Dalam bukunya Prof. Drs. Masjfuk Zuhdi yang berjudul MASAIL FIQHIYAH; Kapita Selecta Hukum Islam, diperoleh bahwa Forex (Perdagangan Valas) diperbolehkan dalam hukum islam. Perdagangan valuta asing timbul karena adanya perdagangan barang-barang kebutuhan/komoditi antar negara yang bersifat internasional. Perdagangan (Ekspor-Impor) ini tentu memerlukan alat bayar yaitu UANG yang masing-masing negara mempunyai ketentuan sendiri dan berbeda satu sama lainnya sesuai dengan penawaran dan permintaan diantara negara-negara tersebut sehingga timbul perbandingan nilai mata uang antar negara.

Perbandingan nilai mata uang antar negara terkumpul dalam suatu Bursa atau Pasar yang bersifat internasional dan terikat dalam suatu kesepakatan bersama yang saling menguntungkan. Nilai mata uang suatu negara dengan negara lainnya ini berubah (berfluktuasi) setiap saat sesuai volume permintaan dan penawarannya. Adanya permintaan dan penawaran inilah yang menimbulkan transaksi mata uang. Yang secara nyata hanyalah tukar-menukar mata uang yang berbeda nilai.

09 March 2013

strategi forek

strategi ini kita open posisi SELL EUR/JPY. Diantara jam 19.30 – 23.00 ,perhatikan chart ketiga pair (EUR/USD, USD/JPY & EUR/JPY). Perhatikan pergerakan chart EUR/USD dan USD/JPY, jika keduanya berada diatas (keduanya mendekati high hari itu) sudah pasti EUR/JPY akan diatas juga bahkan break high. saat itulah waktu yang paling tepat untuk open posisi Sell. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan stop loss. Jiika salah satu pair EUR/USD atau USD/JPY turun maka EUR/JPY sudah pasti ikut turun, kemudian pergerakan selanjutnya jika keduanya (EUR/USD & USD/JPY)turun, maka EUR/JPY sudah pasti turun tajam dan menambah profit kita.

05 March 2013

Fresh Software Downloads: Applications From the Internet Now Made Easier to Download

The internet and the power of computer can surprisingly do wonders almost everyone relies on it; for work, for school projects, term papers, and for many other purposes. As time goes by, you can also notice that the number of software applications that are being developed generally increases at the same time. As someone who makes use of the computer for a variety of things, finding for a website or even knowing a web page that offers fresh software downloads mean a lot. These software applications can surely be of big help to the vast majority whether it'll be used for business / schooling needs, or whether it'll be used for mere entertainment.

Honestly speaking, there are lots of websites offering fresh software downloads. Some are better than the others and some are simply okay. How can we define a good website, and how will we know which one can be fully trusted? Remember, downloading stuff from the internet puts your computer / laptop / pocket PC at great risk from viruses, malwares, spywares and other files that can harm your entire system. You should be able to learn and find for a website that will allow you to have access to their fresh software downloads categories or menu, but something that doesn't just use this to take advantage of your computer. Find a web page that does not have any viruses incorporated along with their download links. Your computer security is the most important thing you have to consider in this situation, and it is best that you read around and ask people on what website can provide all of those needs. 
Participate in discussion boards, read articles, or ask someone that you personally know from there, you can easily determine websites offering fresh software downloads that are safe and those that are not. Normally, for a download link, there will be a portion for user comments. Before you download anything, just make sure that the download link has comments on it determine how other people, who have previously downloaded the software, think about the download link. If it is virus, you will easily see them.

Another important factor that you should take into consideration when looking for fresh software downloads is that your computer virus and internet protection must be on. Make sure that the antivirus database that you have currently installed in your system is up to date this reduces your risk of acquiring harmful viruses on your computer system. 

There is nothing wrong with finding for fresh software downloads just be secure and be safe, b e cautious. Never choose something that looks fishy or at least application software that requires for personal information before download. You won't need sites that are like that.

Enjoy a wide range of fresh software downloads from games, music files, videos, electronic books and other mobile applications at the same time! Isn't it wonderful that the internet made it easier for everyone to get a hold of the best applications that are out there in the market?