14 November 2013

Tips to Avoiding Risk Trading Losses In Trading

In any business it business or investment risk whose name can not be avoided . But the risk can be minimized or reduced if businesses keen in analyzing the market . Here I have 3 trading tips which are generally very often discussed but also often overlooked by traders .

First Trading Tips = Analyze market trends and ikutin Movement
A trader must be able to analyze market trends and movements . Sometimes a trader too sure that predictions must be true then he opened position . The prices are not moving according to his analysis , but he remains convinced that he was right and the market is wrong . Market analysis remains opposed to the trader and he began anxiously , hoping a miracle will happen . However , miracles do not happen and he finally had to bite the finger because of a margin call .

To minimize the risks of trading , as traders we should not be any in the open position especially when we have not analyzed the market and do not know the direction of the trend . Market analysis first and then follow the trend movement of open positions . Follow the trend and never against it .

Trading Tips for - 2 = Using TP and Sl
Novice traders usually really do not like to use these 2 things are taking profit and stop loss . One of the fatal mistakes of traders who suffered losses are not using TP and SL well . At the time left until the loss regardless of amount , not daring / candid to cut loss . However, at a profit , the heart began to calm and do not want to close the current position with immediate profit .

If using TP and SL with discipline , undoubtedly frustrated the traders will not trade him , otherwise the trader can grin at the sight of profit earned .

Trading Tips for - 3 = Discipline , patience , and do not be Greedy
3 things are very important in the world of trading ie Discipline , Patience , and Do not be Greedy .
These three things are very important in the world of trading is discipline , patience , and not greedy .
- Discipline in the open position
Discipline in the open position , specify at what time in any open position . not recommended
when the market is sideways .

- Discipline in determining TP and SL
Discipline in determining TP and SL . At the time of the open position , the trader must know in advance how many points to be gained and lost . Determine TP and SL according to your money management and never change the TP and SL are already installed .

- Discipline in Money Management
Discipline in Money Management . Traders must be disciplined in determining the amount of points that traded in a day . Suppose that every day the target is obtained with 30 points . If the first day is the profit or loss of 30 points , please close the laptop / computer and do not do the open position again . Do the open position on the next day .

A trader must be patient in taking the right moment to open a position . If you are sure to please open position . However, if you have not convinced you should never open position . Patient in waiting for the right moment and never in a hurry . Better to wait for the right moment but with conviction , rather than a rush but not sure .

Do not be Greedy
A trader should never be greedy if you want to get maximum results . Many cases occur when the greedy traders that had been turned into a contrary profit loss . Determine the target will be obtained and if the target is already filled positions do not open it again for the day .

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