14 November 2013

terms to be successful trading

A. Emotional Stability .You do not have to be mad to trade , but it helps ! It was a joke , of course . It takes emotional stability under pressure . A successful trader must be able to remain calm in difficult situations . Traders with a very high ranking on a scale of emotional stability have very low levels of anxiety , calm , relaxed , and have a low level of suspicion . They tend to believe in themselves and are not paranoid . You will not hear them blaming traders to force the direction of prices in accordance with their wishes and they are responsible for their actions .B. Discipline .Successful trader is one who can follow the rules . They are the ones who are driving under the speed limit . They tend to be a perfectionist and take pride in their work . They want to take a project from start to finish and get the joy of completing the project successfully . Pilots , trained to follow the check list , and tend to be trading well . An individual -oriented impulses , will have difficulty reaching the discipline to be a successful trader .C. Intelligence .Successful traders tend to be intelligent . They do not need to have an IQ of Einstein , but they are above average in intelligence . They tend to be good problem solvers and familiar with numbers , such as statistics . They understand that trading is based on probabilities , that not every trade will work as planned .

Tips to Avoiding Risk Trading Losses In Trading

In any business it business or investment risk whose name can not be avoided . But the risk can be minimized or reduced if businesses keen in analyzing the market . Here I have 3 trading tips which are generally very often discussed but also often overlooked by traders .

First Trading Tips = Analyze market trends and ikutin Movement
A trader must be able to analyze market trends and movements . Sometimes a trader too sure that predictions must be true then he opened position . The prices are not moving according to his analysis , but he remains convinced that he was right and the market is wrong . Market analysis remains opposed to the trader and he began anxiously , hoping a miracle will happen . However , miracles do not happen and he finally had to bite the finger because of a margin call .

To minimize the risks of trading , as traders we should not be any in the open position especially when we have not analyzed the market and do not know the direction of the trend . Market analysis first and then follow the trend movement of open positions . Follow the trend and never against it .

Trading Tips for - 2 = Using TP and Sl
Novice traders usually really do not like to use these 2 things are taking profit and stop loss . One of the fatal mistakes of traders who suffered losses are not using TP and SL well . At the time left until the loss regardless of amount , not daring / candid to cut loss . However, at a profit , the heart began to calm and do not want to close the current position with immediate profit .

If using TP and SL with discipline , undoubtedly frustrated the traders will not trade him , otherwise the trader can grin at the sight of profit earned .

Trading Tips for - 3 = Discipline , patience , and do not be Greedy
3 things are very important in the world of trading ie Discipline , Patience , and Do not be Greedy .
These three things are very important in the world of trading is discipline , patience , and not greedy .
- Discipline in the open position
Discipline in the open position , specify at what time in any open position . not recommended
when the market is sideways .

- Discipline in determining TP and SL
Discipline in determining TP and SL . At the time of the open position , the trader must know in advance how many points to be gained and lost . Determine TP and SL according to your money management and never change the TP and SL are already installed .

- Discipline in Money Management
Discipline in Money Management . Traders must be disciplined in determining the amount of points that traded in a day . Suppose that every day the target is obtained with 30 points . If the first day is the profit or loss of 30 points , please close the laptop / computer and do not do the open position again . Do the open position on the next day .

A trader must be patient in taking the right moment to open a position . If you are sure to please open position . However, if you have not convinced you should never open position . Patient in waiting for the right moment and never in a hurry . Better to wait for the right moment but with conviction , rather than a rush but not sure .

Do not be Greedy
A trader should never be greedy if you want to get maximum results . Many cases occur when the greedy traders that had been turned into a contrary profit loss . Determine the target will be obtained and if the target is already filled positions do not open it again for the day .

5W +1 H in FOREX

before heading to the point we have to know what is forex .

1 . What

FOREX lot of definitions but can be summarized simply as " the market in which the players ( Who) currency exchange transactions with connected electronics" .

2 . Why

There are several main reasons why FOREX become a prevalent trend and attracted the attention of many investors or the general good . Compared to other instruments such as stock options atu ( option ) , the level of liquidity ( daily turnover ) is much higher forex setradar which reached USD 5 trilion ( $ 5,000,000,000,000 ) per day . This is particularly important where the high level it will be very possible liquidation of the transactions at any time . In other words , if a trader wants to sell it is almost certain there will always be a buy .

Traders only be spread or commission only when a trader opens a position only. Traders do not charge anything while closing the position .

3 . When

Hammpir FOREX market is open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week (Monday - Friday ) . The market will begin on Monday 8:00 AM Australia / New Zealand ( setrader Monday at 04.00 am GMT) to Friday at 17.00 pm eastern U.S. time zone ( setrader Saturday at 04.00 am GMT)

4 . Who

At least two groups of actors or players / actors from the forex market . The first group is the institution , which are generally the big emain government agencies ( government ) and big banks .

The second group is a forex broker who managed the retail trader and liaison with institutions of the player above

5 . Where

For the large pemai is especially banks , then forex trading is done through the Electronic Banking System ( EBS ) . In short , EBS is an electronic network that connects the big bank with big bank .

6 . how

For simplicity's sake, to keep in mind as the retail forex trader is to be done through the Internet by running the trading software or platform that is determined by the broker .

4 Crucial Formulas trading Forek In Risk Management

    In the world of any business whether offline or online business , most things to be kept in mind is

   1 . Risk Management
a. Drawdown ( depreciation of capital )
b . Maximum Drawdown ( maximum depreciation of capital )
c . Reward to Risk Ratio ( ratio of selisi profit or loss with the risk ato )
2 . Profit Management
Compounding capital ( without dicompound impossible to be successful in forex )
3 . passive Income

After the success of our business and generate profit is more than enough , then diversify profit that we get to have another Bisnis2 . for example, we deposited or we traded stock or other reputable perusahaan2 that can generate passive income , then we do not need to work for money , but the money work for us .

But that is often overlooked is the business risk Managemen ... and who always had in mind was solely profit or profit ... and finally obtained it is a loss for losses and ultimately went bankrupt kolep alias .

since our business is the business of forex , which in forex is weve true " return hight hight risk " and "low risk low return " , but this is how we can outsmart our business in order to become " hight risk low return " , because I sister2 sure agan2 and respectable , certainly before entering into the world of forex success thinking , rich in a lot of money . nha to achieve that I would share the knowledge of my own ... although I myself have not been successful in the forex business world , here there are 4 formula I would share ... 4 formula is

1 . MM formula and Compoud
2 . Determinants formula OP
3 . Determinants formula SL TP
4 . Drawdown formula

30 Pips Definitely

Best wishes and greetings success for us all, before I beg permission to om mod and mimid because I will open a new tread with title 30 pips / day for all Pair definitely there in forex .. hehehehe (really extreme) this strategy gax need using indicators banyak2 headache and enliven your eyes, because quite simply one indicator of its default MT4 indi .. fuck it let's guess ...? hny form a line .. let's fuck,,?? hehe yups bener banget adl indicator line TL (Trend Line) .. and before we discuss together this strategy once again I beg KPD mimid om mod or if there is a common character with another tread or tread is useful gax monggo deleted it ... Similarly, while the opening of my pictures would prepare sy wait for response from members of this forum .. tread into success for us all.

Best hours for trading and know the trend

    taukah your best hours to trade  ?
or you just go straight into the market regardless of the trading hours ?
I will discuss a little the best hours for trading in order to profit immediately and not wait sideway you can

taukah you we always win in trend and always lose in sideway ?
so will steer clear his name sideway.salah ktia only trading when approaching the fishing news.karena NEWS trend is so how

1 . we open forefactory.com
because we play gbp / usd ama euro / usd for example we see schedule
because if we go in after hours trading the news we will be stuck sideways and it makes the trader loss

GBP news here starting at 2 pm ( gmt +8 ) .. meaning if you play the above hours will be stuck sideways .. so you start standby on laptop at 1.30pm immediately open chart GBP to siap2 .. all are associated with such GBP GBP / USD , GBP / JPY GBP / NZD will move

so the morning time you spent with your family without constantly staring at the laptop too sad your family your friends and co -workers .. because according to the book " SKILL WITH PEOPLE " that makes people fail is that she failed to establish good relations with the lain.jadi perbanyaklah juga.jangan your friends watched constantly ... so mainlah laptop when approaching hour news ... more afdol the game and the health of your eyes staring at the laptop continues uninterrupted ...